All Posts
February 2025
The following article is a community contribution from Ed Carter. Ed is a retired financial planner who runs the site: AbleFutures, where he is working on providing financial literacy for the disabled. He reached out ...
September 2024
The following article is a community contribution from Ed Carter. Ed is a retired financial planner who runs the site: AbleFutures, where he is working on providing financial literacy for the disabled. He reached out ...
December 2023
The following article is a community contribution from Ed Carter. Ed is a retired financial planner who runs the site: AbleFutures, where he is working on providing financial literacy for the disabled. He reached out ...
November 2023
The following article is a community contribution from Ed Carter. Ed is a retired financial planner who runs the site: AbleFutures, where he is working on providing financial literacy for the disabled. He reached out ...
October 2022
The following article is a community contribution from Ed Carter. Ed is a retired financial planner who runs the site: AbleFutures, where he is working on providing financial literacy for the disabled. He reached out ...
June 2022
The following article is a community contribution from Ed Carter. Ed is a retired financial planner who runs the site: AbleFutures, where he is working on providing financial literacy for the disabled. He reached out ...
May 2022
The following article is a community contribution from Ed Carter. Ed is a retired financial planner who runs the site: AbleFutures, where he is working on providing financial literacy for the disabled. He reached out ...
The following article is a community contribution from Ed Carter. Ed is a retired financial planner who runs the site: AbleFutures, where he is working on providing financial literacy for the disabled. He reached out ...
February 2022
The following article is a community contribution from Ed Carter. Ed is a retired financial planner who runs the site: AbleFutures, where he is working on providing financial literacy for the disabled. He reached out ...
November 2021
The following article is a community contribution from Ed Carter. Ed is a retired financial planner who runs the site: AbleFutures, where he is working on providing financial literacy for the disabled. He reached out ...
February 2016
I wanted to deploy a python server on OpenShift which would be able to use OpenCV Image processing tools. I found a nice blog post here, however I had multiple issues with it.
The link to the OpenCV source files w...
December 2015
In this post we will discuss the implementation of an Interactive Narrative
Game in Unity. The projects were created by a team of 3 as part of a class project for Introduction to Computer Graphics at Rutgers Universit...
In this post we will discuss my team’s submission to the Rutgers Computer Graphics class Crowd Competition using SteerLite.
Midterm points were hardcoded inside the plane. The agents foll...
November 2015
The projects were created by a team of 3 as part of a class project for Introduction to Computer Graphics at Rutgers University.
Behavior Tree
You can play the Unity by clicking on the link
In this post we will discuss the implementation of A* pathfinding using SteerLite. The projects were created by a team of 3 as part of a class project for Introduction to Computer Graphics at Rutgers University.
In this post we will discuss the implementation of Social Forces in crowd
simulations using SteerLite. The projects were created by a team of 3 as part of a class project for Introduction to Computer Graphics at R...
October 2015
In this post we will discuss the implementation of GJK (Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi) and EPA(Expanding Polytope Algorithm) in C++. The projects were created by a team of 3 as part of a class project for Introduction to Co...
In this post we will discuss the implementation of Navigation and Animation in
Unity. The projects were created by a team of 3 as part of a class project for Introduction to Computer Graphics at Rutgers University.
In this post we will discuss the implementation of Hermite and Catmull Splines in SteerLite. The projects were created by a team of 3 as part of a class project for Introduction to Computer Graphics at Rutgers Uni...
In this post I will discuss the implementation of my first Unity project. The projects were created as a class project for Introduction to Computer Graphics at Rutgers University.
Roll A Ball
You can play the Unity ...
June 2015
This post is meant to guide others who are interested in getting colors and
icons on their i3 status. Here is a snapshot of my i3 status.
Get i3blocks
i3blocks is a cool package for i3 which will make all this con...
March 2015
In honor of Pie day I decided to learn how to incorporate a math typeset onto
Html. The mathjax package makes this easy to do.
Setting up the html
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
Embedding vidoes in html is easy. Just do:
<video id="video1" controls style="width:100%; height:100%;" >
<source src="../videos/SweetTalkingEileen.webm" type="video/webm">
Your browser does not...
After learning how to incorporate LaTeX into html. I decided to run through a
sample Biomedical equation derivation on the transport of a solute through time
t and space z.
What we know
Concentration Profile:
January 2015
I decided to spend my winter break programming something I was interested in. I
really enjoy listening to mashups, which are two or more songs that are combined into one.
I often enjoy listening to mashups in r/m...
I have decided to dedicate a post on the layout of this website. If someone
looking for a Jekyll template wants to use my website, they can follow the
instructions here on how to personalize their website. I will be o...
Creating a blog is not that hard. I would say, the hardest part would be
getting started. In addition, if you do not want a custom domain (more of
that in a bit) then you can get your blog up and running for free.
I wanted to trim my video without any loss of quality. It took me a surprisingly
long time to find this on Google so I thought I would put this command here so
if someone else needs to do this, they do not need to spe...
My friend and I have a great interest in the song Come on and Slam by Quad City DJs. We recently created a parody using programming terms.
Here is the part of the song we used to make the parody:
It's the QCD on the...
December 2014
I decided to spend the beginning of my winter break learning how to use
Heroku. I decided to make my first program a zork game that uses Heroku to
run the Zork game in a local bash shell. I have learned several thin...
September 2014
Today I decided to obfuscate my gmail script which contains both my gmail
username and password. Initially, I had the files hidden as a dot file, however
I decided to use shc to convert my .sh file into a binary file....
Today I decided to use a program known as i3blocks to customize my i3status. It allows me to run outputs of scripts and colorize sections as well.
Installing and configuring i3blocks
First you need to install i3bloc...
August 2014
Today, I wanted to create a loading animation for my images on my garden page.
Since I have a lot of high quality images, I decided to use unveil.js. This
javascript plugin allows me to lazy-load my images and also pr...
Today I decided to try something new. This project was actually quite
tedious. I wanted to get Black Hat on my Android. It took a lot of adjustments. There were times when I thought that the two would not be compatibl...
You may have noticed the graph on the side. This is created dynamically by Javascript using random numbers and basic trig alterations of sine graphs. After a lot of googling, I was finally able to find a method. You f...
Yesterday I have decided to remodel my resume in latex. I decided that I would
like to use some of the icons from FontAwsome on my contact section to save
space. This was not as easy as expected, nevertheless I found ...
July 2014
After creating a music page, I have decided to take advantage of my knowledge of javascript to make the task of displaying my music selection easier. I wanted to create a script that would pull from a list of albums a...
I thought of an idea that will be pretty unique for my website. Since my
website is hosted on github, I would like to access the commit messages to my
git repository and display them to show the changes that are being...
I recently had to rename 350+ files. So I decided it was time that I learned
how to rename files using bash scripting. There are multiple parts to this.
First you need to create and itterate through a list of files. T...
You can make you website look awsome with not much code at all. You just need a
bit of creativity, a bit of css, and alot of criticism. In this post, I will
talk about the css transform property. Just a few lines of c...
So lately I was contemplating on creating a project using Ajax. I decided that
I wanted to do something really neat with data that is constantly changing. The first thing that came to mind was the Hubble constant. The...
I have recently decided to spice up my i3 status by adding icons to all of my info display sections. However, I also wanted to add an Arch icon in the front. This led me to an issue, as there are no icon fonts that I ...
Notice: This is a guide for an old version of my i3status. To access the guide to the newer version click here.
Now that I have created my custom icon font. I would like to add this font to
my i3status. This will ...
After finding a way to edit my code blocks appearance. I ran into another
issue. Currently the only solution I have to fix the issue, is to run
javascript code on each of the code blocks. This is quite bothersome. How...
I have recently decided to change my code block to contain a header for the
programming language that I am using. However, I also use Jekyll to construct
my blog. Jekyll scans my Markdown files and dynamically generat...
June 2014
Why did I switch to a tiling window manager?
I am not going to say that a minimalistic environment such as i3 is better than a desktop manager such as KDE, GNOME, MATE, or Xfce, but a minimalistic environment has hel...
May 2014
Github has this really cool policy that allows you to ask them to remove dusty
user accounts which have not been used for an extended period of time. This
means short usernames that have been claimed years ago might b...
I am currently doing research on the differences between Barefoot running and Shod running(running with shoes). I am working with software known as the AnyBody Modeling System using the Gait lower Extremity model. Thi...
Jekyll has just added a new feature which is Auto- Regeneration. This update is
really neat and saves web developers a lot of time. Before the update, Jekyll
has given developers the option to launch their website on ...